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Crystal Home Decor Trend: Using Gemstones and Crystals for Interior & Design

Your home is the most important space in your life. Your home is your safety, your sacred space, your comfort, your ultimate retreat. It is an extension of your inner world, literally an extension of you. Do you look around your home and see your inner world represented there? Is there a feeling of peace, protection perhaps? Do you feel harmony, or perhaps inspiration and creativity? Did you know that placing crystals in your home is beneficial for all these qualities? Not only are they aesthetically pleasing to the eye, they can hold these qualities within your home. Here are some Collectables Connecting you to the aesthetic of your home. Bringing crystal, stones and natural materials into your home can have a positive impact on your mood.

The allure of crystals as perfect home decor elements goes beyond their aesthetic appeal. These dazzling gemstones not only add a touch of glamour to your living spaces but also bring positive energy and spiritual benefits. From their ability to amplify light to their reputed healing properties, crystals have found their way into homes as more than just decorative pieces. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, incorporating crystals into our living spaces provides a harmonious balance between beauty and well-being. So, whether you're drawn to the mesmerizing colors, the ancient symbolism, or the metaphysical attributes, embracing crystals as part of your home decor is a thoughtful and meaningful choice that elevates both the ambience and energy of your space

crystal wind chimes crystal home interior spokane valley metaphysical gift shop
(Image credit: Popsugar Home)

How to arrange Crystals Within Your Home:

Black Tourmaline is always a great protection stone near any entryway in your home. This stone is known for protection, grounding and purification. It offers security and stability and can absorb or ward off negative energy. Its black appearance was once used by chemists in the 19th century to polarize light by shining rays onto the cut and polished surface of the gem, in order to make light more measurable. This stone can act as a shield guarding your most sacred space. There are several types of tourmaline, and can be found formed with quartz, (link here) which is a natural booster of any gemstone, thus having tourmaline in quartz by any entrance emphasizes its protective properties.

Amethyst is best used in your bedroom or by your bedside. This stone is naturally peaceful, and calming, known as the stone of spirituality and intuition. It has been known to aid with restful sleep and dreaming. You can use small pieces of amethyst under your pillow for connection to your dreamworld, adding this plus a dream journal is a surefire way to connect to your subconscious.

Selenite is another great material to have in your bedroom, especially a dish or charging plate for your daily wearing jewelry. Place selenite beside your bed and put any daily pocket or bra stones in the dish to clear and recharge them for a fresh start the following day, boosting their ability as you sleep. Selenite is known for cleansing and protection. It is an amplifier of other stones properties deeming it a powerful stone to have anywhere in your home. This beautiful stone comes in either white or a peach hue, and easily connects to your higher self.

Amethyst living room coffee table crystal
(Image Credit: The local flea)

Citrine is a beautiful uplifting stone for your bathroom. This stone is yellow in appearance is known for positivity, inspiration and abundance. This is a great stone to keep in your bathroom as you are getting ready for your day to accompany your daily affirmations. Its cheery color will help fill you with its energizing vibe, and creativity. Its a powerful stone stone used in manifesting. This stone never needs cleansing, it naturally transmutes negative into positive.

Rose Quartz is another great stone for the bathroom, where it can lend to a vibe of tranquillity. Rose Quartz reminds us to connect to our deepest self-love and compassion. Another powerful companion in the bathroom, as you gaze in the mirror getting ready, reminding you of your self-worth, self-love and empathy that flows in, around and through you.

Carnelian is a beautiful banded stone that comes in a variety of colors ranging from deep red to orange to white. Its unique and rich tones are perfect for the kitchen. Carnelian promotes passion and self-confidence, adding this stone to the kitchen reminds us of vitality and well-being in the sacred space of our homes. It is a great stone to use in creativity and transformation, making it a great accompaniment to the heart of your home.

Clear Quartz is a great kitchen asset. The gorgeous stone increases the vibration of your kitchen, amplifying positive energy while reducing unwanted ions in the environment. Quartz can purify the energy and space surrounding your kitchen. It is known as the ‘Universal Crystal” for its absorbing, amplifying and transmitting properties.

Labradorite makes the perfect addition to your altar. This unique smooth stone comes in a variety of tones, it's known for its flashy appearance. This mystical stone offers both protection and the power of transformation. Labradorite is helpful in rebirth, connecting to your purpose and mental clarity.

Crystal and spiritual home decor gift shop spokane
(Image credit: Anthropologie)

In conclusion, the enchanting world of crystals extends a warm invitation to transform your living spaces into havens of beauty, tranquillity, and positive energy. As we've explored the myriad reasons why crystals make perfect home decor elements, consider taking the next step in enhancing your surroundings. Stone and Sage offers a curated selection of exquisite gemstones and crystal home kits designed to elevate your space to new heights. From stunning quartz clusters to carefully crafted crystal grids, each piece in our collection is not only a feast for the eyes but also a source of potential well-being.

By bringing the timeless allure of crystals into your home, you're not just adorning your space – you're investing in a holistic experience that harmonizes aesthetics and energy. Visit our store today to explore the possibilities and embark on a journey of self-discovery through the captivating world of crystals. Transform your living environment, uplift your spirits, and embrace the transformative power that crystals bring to your home. Don't miss the opportunity to create a sanctuary where beauty and positive energy converge seamlessly. Visit us now or call and embark on a crystal-infused journey to make your home truly extraordinary.

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